Thursday, July 27, 2017

Awakening The Soul - Do NOT be Fooled - The Continuing Saga of Ray Savage

There is a budding website registered as Awakening the, do not be fooled!!!!

Check the history and background of the main people behind this, some are far from 'spiritual', I would even go so far to say downright evil in the way that one person see's and treats people.

I have heard the way this person has dealt with and spoken to various people and it is NASTY, there is a lack of empathy, understanding, care for others, all against the spiritual journey, in fact one person seems to tick all the boxes of a psychopath! Lying, betrayal, using people to suit their own needs and desires and then dumping them when they have got what they want.

So before you sign up for seminars or talks and pay good money, check things out, do not believe the silver slimy tongue, but talk to others and find out for yourself if you want to be involved with a clearly false journey, with a lack of understanding or empathy for the hurt they cause others.

Although I have stated clearly here about one of the people involved with this budding site, he is a SAVAGE man, he uses people endlessly, he is currently attached to yet another vulnerable person in Eire and is 'helping' to build a retreat, but based on past happenings this can only be seen as a recruiting ground for him to target yet more vulnerable and gullible women, many of whom will end up sleeping with an old has been (has been in bed with prostitutes, women, maybe even men!).

He has hurt endless amounts of vulnerable women, telling them sob stories of how he doesn't get sex, his partner doesn't understand him, I love you, you are the most amazing woman I have ever met, the list is endless. Dig deeply online and you will eventually find nothing positive about this man, but a whole lot of negative narrative, video's and complaints about his actions. There are some very funny memes about him too check out or also Ray Savage dowser

No one should listen to, or trust this man especially if you are a female, he has a long and sordid history of using women, it's a shame I couldn't find the meme of Ray Savage likened to Max Clifford, because the two were very similar the only difference now is that one of these nasty excuses of a human being has the good grace to be dead and no longer a threat to women.

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