Friday, August 15, 2014


I read an excellent article in the Daily Mail this morning, but when I went back it has disappeared as if it has never been written. It was written by a Muslim and he berated his own community for not being outraged at the senseless slaughter and torture at the hands of these terrible people.

He also showed great knowledge of the Koran and clearly stated that there was no place in the Koran where other religions should be attacked, their Churches destroyed. He clearly stated that ISIS was turning back the centuries and that what they were following was not based on fact or the Koran.

The article was written I believe by Dr Taj Hargey and had a clear voice of reason. It is so sad when articles of this unbiased and clear reasoning have been taken down as it showed ISIS for what they really are.

To me ISIS is nothing more than a bunch of murderous thugs who want to drive a wedge between the West and the East for no better reason that to murder and maim. I work for a Muslim, he has become a good friend and we support each other over and over, I feel that we are like brothers, we protect and look after each other, it is a real pleasure to work for him.

We have a different skin colour, have different religion, different culture but still laugh and joke with ease and as I said look after each other. I have become his main manager and advise him, we complement each other and it works.

ISIS and those who belong to this group should be condemned to hell for eternity and God should make sure this happens without any chance of redemption for their crimes against innocent people. Rot in hell you evil beings.

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