Monday, November 25, 2013

Sad, Sick Politics in the UK

In the news today is the fact MP's have granted themselves yet another holiday next year, so MP's in the House of Scam Artists will only sit for 145 days next year. Looking at the comments across several newspaper websites this obviously hasn't gone down too well with voters who see this as yet another abuse of power, by rich and privileged MP's who obviously are totally oblivious to how the voter views them or more realistically they don't care!

Even more of a joke is the fact that MP's demand transparency from everyone, i.e. NHS, Financial Services, CQC etc, but they hide behind a veil of deceit and self regulation themselves. MP's investigate MP's, MP's decide their holidays, MP's decide their pay, MP's decide their expenses and nothing is transparent! MP's should also be able to be sacked by the voters!

The hypocrisy in British politics abounds completely unabated, surely there should be a watchdog set up with members of the general public who can oversee these decisions they make for their own benefits, they should also outnumber MP's who sit on this watchdog so that MP's cannot bulldoze any changes through. MP's should be accountable in every aspect of what they claim in expenses, and there should be a clear limit and only certain items that can be claimed for and these should not include new kitchens and furniture for their private homes, utlity bills should also be struck off as a claimable item, but that is pie in the sky, because MP's do not listen, do not care, have no morals and are worse than benefit cheats.

MP's are the lowest of the low at the moment and until they clean up their act, there is no point in voting for any of them, that alone would cause a major problem, how can a so called democratic country be governed by unelected MP's, so lets give them a real shock at the next election and ask everyone to spoil their voting slip.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Don't Make Me Laugh

John Major ex UK Prime Minister has now been endorsed by the current Prime Minister David Cameron, that there are too many 'POSH' people in top jobs ha ha ha.

What makes this so ironic is that both are rich and 'POSH' and both are politicians, one of whom is the present Prime Minister who spends a lot of time in the mistitled 'HOUSE OF COMMONS' which should really be renamed, 'HOUSE OF POSH MILLIONAIRES WHO SPONGE OFF THE TAXPAYERS' not one of them is worth a penny, most are claiming expenses the poor can only dream of as an annual wage, they cannot admit to mistakes, they do not have humility, morals or a soul they only think of themselves.

Blair has recently been paid a fortune to speak for two half hour sessions, yet this man is hated by his own country for traitorous lies that led us into a war where thousands at the very least died, yet he still walks free and he and his wife call themselves Christians, good joke eh?

When is the world and in particular this country going to wake up and realise that this class of person should not be at the top of the heap. As normal people outnumber this class by millions, we have the power to make significant changes and put them where they belong on the dung heap below normal people.

So lets get rid of the Browns, Milibands, Balls, Coopers, Camerons and Bercows of this country, vote them out at every opportunity and get in people who will listen to the 'normal' person and place their best interests and the best interests of the country first.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Corrupt Politics Again

Politicians seem to think they are not accountable to anyone, even God!

The EU has, for the 19th year, been unable to get its accounts ratified, if a business ran like this there would be questions by the tax office, shareholders and could result in an investigation leading to criminal charges, but again this corrupt, deformed, maladministration, bureaucratic behemoth, who wastes money like a burst water main wastes water, is allowed to continue with its governing of independent countries and its peoples without a mandate. What makes it worse is corrupt politicians who are traitors to their own countries and people advocate this as the way forward and support it.

In the UK the taxpayers are having to pay utility bills for MP's, whilst the old and vulnerable have to choose between eating or heating. One MP has even had the tax payer funding electricity to his stables! How sick is that? As usual once caught out you get the usual denial, the political claptrap and hot air.

Quite frankly politics in the true sense is dead, democracy is dead. We are led by self serving bags of hot air who do not have a soul. They do not have remorse for their mistakes, do not know how to apologise, see themselves as blameless and really do not give a rats arse about honesty, morals, humility, the elderly, the poor, the sick and the dying as long as they get loads of money and a gold plated pension for themselves.

This is not just in this country, but the world over, and as people of the world we allow these moral less scum to lead us.................. WHY? Personally I think it is time that the people of planet earth rose up against these scum to take back our freedom.

Big corporations are the same, do we need the likes of big utility companies ripping us off at every opportunity, do we need corrupt banks and bankers abusing us and the rules and getting away with it? Do we need the likes of Murdoch who runs corrupt media, who leaves his underlings to answer for his crimes?

The one thing to remember is that there are more of us than there are of them, that gives us a massive edge and if this edge is used correctly we can make banks bankrupt, we can bring utility companies to their knees, and we can get rid of politicians all in a clean and legal way. I am not a leader worthy of trying to bring this about, but I bet there is someone out there who can unite us as a world population to fight these crimes against humanity. The Guy Fawkes mask movement has proved that there are people willing to fight and stand up, but we do not need prats like Russell Brand jumping on the band wagon, he has made a fortune whilst showing he too has a lack of morals and a lack of humility.

Rise up, not as a nation, but as a world who is sick of violence, sick of corruption, sick of politicians who do not care except for themselves, sick of the likes of the Murdochs of this world, of banks and bankers, lets plan a week of endless screwing these people and institutions up to show we do have power and are not cattle to be led to the slaughterhouse for their amusement and personal gain.