Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Karl Lagerfield - Pompous Old Fart

Karl Lagerfield is a pompous old fart full of his own self importance who thinks he can let rip at someone with real talent.

When you look at Lagerfield all you see is a man (dare I use that term) who looks like a stupid old man, after all he is in his 80's, wearing sun glasses when there is no sun, wearing a black suit (is he from Men in Black?), fingerless gloves (give me a break) and long white hair. I have seen better looking zombies in films than this old git.

To me he is a talentless man who found a niche for himself, designing for fawning celebrities, but I wouldn't want either myself or my family to dress in anything he 'designs', I have more self respect than that.

Adele is a beautiful full figured young lady with a voice that can bring tears to your eyes from the she expression in it. A full figure is far more sexy than any of the anorexic models that he uses. Time for this pompous old fart to leave the planet, I for one will certainly not miss him, he has given nothing to this world as far as I can see except pander to the rich and famous and make shed loads of money at the same time.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Assad the Hitler of Syria

President Assad, aren't Presidents supposed to nurture and look after their people, not this man, a disgrace to the Arab world and to the world in general. He is a coward, a mass murderer, a killer of women and children and destroyer of his own country.

How can any civilised country support this killer, but Russia and China are in effect backing him, but neither country has a good record on human rights.

Assad has proved himself to be nothing less than a mass murderer, a coward as such the United Nations should step in and charge him with crimes against humanity, but they do not have the balls. He is scum and should be treated like a rabid dog and shot on sight.


Some bugger has twice managed to access my credit card and now my current account card, the silly bugger has topped up their vodafone credit with it. I have asked for their phone number as if I find out who it is, I am going to literally tear their balls or tits off.

So a warning to anyone who wants to mess with my hard earned cash, mess with me and I will pay to have you dealt with, sod the law they are too soft, I want blood.