Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Happy New Year, Same as The Old Year

Happy New Year, but what have we got to look forward to?

Well I think all we have to look forward to is that Politicians will continue to lie and cheat on their expenses. Those who pay their taxes will be worse off whilst those who claim illegally or just because they are plain lazy shits will gain, and all the time the fat BASTARD BANKS will screw us for every penny and feed their fat shithead selves money that they claim they have earned when it is mainly the tax payer who has bailed out many of these shitty banks and have allowed them to keep on bankers and give themselves fat bonus payments.

So welcome to the New Year, same as the old year, there will be nothing to look forward to except for more hardship, more deaths, more lies, in fact more of everything negative about living with so called celebrities inflicting us with every banal thought that enters their moronic brains.


Anonymous said...

please e mail me, as would like to talk to you.

Dave said...

To contact people first I need a contact email address.