Sunday, October 24, 2010

British Politics Gone to Pot

I had hoped that things would change after the election, even though I voted UKIP (I hate the EU with a vengeance!), but no we are back on the same old, same old.

Labour are telling us the coalition has got it wrong especially that twerp Miliband and Johnson, yet they were both part of the government that led us to the state we are currently in with their reckless spending and truly stupid control of the crisis.

Now we have cuts, very severe and very necessary, but again politicians seem to be missing the target!

Prison places are being reduced so more thugs and crooks on the street with that dinosaur Clarke stating we should pay criminals £12,00 a year!!!!! What we should do is get the prisoners out in the fields helping farmers maintain the ditches and hedgerows, have them clearing fields by hand, have them growing their own food and making sure that they support themselves instead of giving them treats that some family's can't afford like games consoles, they owe society, not society owes them.

The foreign aid has increased whilst almost everything is cut, this is wrong and there is no way that this can be justified. Let China (who until recently got aid from us), Russia, and the middle east take a lions share of the burden as we did for decades, now is the time to look after our own, after all, all we have got back for our trouble is an untameable influx of immigrants who are bleeding our system dry.

The EU should be a main point here as well. I do not believe the hype about us needing the EU, I think we should walk away, it would save a fortune and help clear our debt. They want more money and the MEP's seem to be making sure that they get a good deal for themselves, I have yet to see or hear of a poor MEP or even a poor MP, they all seem to be making a very good living from our taxes, and few are actually constructive. Nadine Dories has admitted that her blog is mainly fantasy, Bercow is a complete chump and I could go on for ages with very few missing the cutting edge of my bile.

We should not sacrifice our defence budget, education budget, police / law enforcement or health budget for the sake of foreign aid, they wouldn't come to our rescue so quickly and India and Pakistan have some very rich people who seem to be in favour of the west crumbling in some cases seem to support the use of terrorism against us.

We need drastic action so what would I do?

I would completely cut foreign aid for at least 5 years.

I would exit the EU and put all the money that goes to the EU and our MEP's to repay national debt.

Prisons would have to be made as self sufficient as possible and prisoners made to work for a minimum of 12 hours a day, if necessary on our forces bases keeping them clean and clear and picking up rubbish from the streets and washing the streets of urine and vomit.

MP's would have to sign a contract stating that they cannot be on any other form of employment whilst an MP and includes taking 'gifts' for services rendered.

MP's would have to work a minimum of 8 hours per day and prove it, MP's holidays cut, and expenses would have to be on a no receipt no expenses and for some expenses it would have to be justified before a panel of non MP's.

A 97.5% tax on bonus payments above £10,000 and any gifts and gratuities would also fall into the £10,000 rule. Banks to be taxed on all profits at 70% and those that are part owed by the nation are to stop bonus payments until all debts are repaid with interest.

All quangos would be disbanded, except for the most important and they would have a set amount of time to complete their work without any extensions.

That is my starter for 10, I would also return to harder A levels and try to produce the best talent for the country with the hardest working getting the best deals.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

They Understand?

Politicians are very good at stating that they understand the position, thoughts and feelings of the voter. I find that very hard to believe especially when so many, Cameron, Osbourne, Balls, Milibands etc have all had quite a privileged up bringing, where the family isn't short of a Bob or two, and many have several hundreds of thousands in the bank, and then send Cameron, Osbourne, milipedes junior to private schools, then go straight into politics without holding down a real job in the real world.

Don't tell me you understand what it means to struggle to make your wages stretch and make sure that your kids have clothes and food and that Christmas is special! You don't understand and never will, just like I will never understand what it feels like not to have to worry, to be able to go on nice holidays at the taxpayers expense, to have a nice state provided house, with a nice state provided salary and gold plated pension.

What do we get in return?

1. Scroungers who don't work demanding bigger houses and more benefits for their growing number of more scroungers.

2. Immigrants coming out of our ears taking from the money that we put in from our hard earned wages, in benefits and hospital treatments.

3. Immigrant scroungers some of whom live in million pound properties and can't see anything wrong in it.

4. Ken Clarke now saying that prisoners should earn £12,000 a year, - what planet is he from? They should be made to work for free to repay society.

5. Fat cat bankers who were bailed out with our money getting large bonus payments ..... for what exactly, helping bring the country to its knees?

6. We have the likes of Bob Crowe, scumbag, who earns loads of money and calls strikes, he isn't going to suffer, he will just get a nice fat lunch on expenses and have fun.

Things have gone too far, we have people on pensions that are a disgrace, some pensions are more than the total staff in a 24 bed care home earn in a year, doesn't that tell you something about our wonderful country when people like Adamm Crozier can earn a fortune from making huge mistakes (the FA and the Post Office) and they are protected by fat cat politicians who only care about themselves and how much they can get for themselves, another good example is the Bercows, what a disgrace these two are.

Out of the EU first, then get rid of all our useless money grabbing privately educated MP's, lets re-write the rules and sack the lot of them.