Saturday, February 13, 2010

Boo Hoo Brown

Does anyone actually believe Boo Hoo Brown and his latest media ploy to get sympathy before the election?

Brown is a complete piece of excrement, he and his party have ruined this country, morally, financially and by unlimited immigration. The Labour party have constantly lied to the country or deceived it first with BLAIR - LIAR PAR EXCELLANCE, then with Brown who has brought in the most despised man in politics in the shape of Mandelson.

Anyone who votes for Labour or for Brown really needs to get some sort of psychiatric help, as there is no way that Brown will change or the Labour party for that matter. The only way this country can move forward is for every MP to step down and for the country to have new candidates with new morals, code of conduct and rules that the new MP's agree to abide to.

This country has become morally corrupt under Labour and all the present MP's as they have all been complicit in the misuse of expenses by turning a blind eye until it was too late to do so. Now we need to start again, with the right people, with the right morals who will look after the country not themselves, but none of this bunch of cowardly, moral less, scheming MP's are going to listen so it is with a heavy heart that I know eventually a revolution will have to take place, I just hope too many lives are not lost, but to me it is now inevitable, possibly within the next 50 years and when historians look back as they do they will have to conclude that the seeds of revolution started when Labour came into power.

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