Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cameron Loosing Ground

I am not surprised really, this country needs to be told straight what is required to turn broken Britain back around, and it ain't gonna happen if you are trying to pick pretty faces to replace talent, in other words, wrong move Dave, this more women thing, we need talent no matter what sex, race or creed so pick the best, not a pretty face.

As a country we are able to take things on the chin, we may not like it, but if it is the right course of action we will, as a nation go along with it. So dear old Dave needs to give us his view of how to repair broken Britain, and his plans to do so.

He needs to take into account everything that we hold dear such as immigration, the benefit system and its abuse, education and falling standards and thuggery in schools, the sick health service, link the sick health service with immigrants and people from abroad getting free health care and that is well on the way to being cracked, if you stop that from happening, you want to enter the country, show us you can pay your way for everything.

I wrote an email to Dave along these lines, of course I didn't get an answer, it was too sensible, and he is wrapped up with his spin doctors who are advising him to fight Labour on Labours terms so he's already onto a looser and he hasn't got long to get it right and put it to the nation. Dave Labour have broken Britain we need to hear how you intend to repair it, give us the solution on the chin, make it clear and simple, because simple always works best remember KISS (Keep it simple, stupid)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Do You Trust Any of Them?

When you see the latest efforts by Brown and Cameron playing on the heart strings, would you really base your vote on this blatant woe is me appeal?

Then we have that most disgusting of unelected morons, MANDELSON now claiming that the Euro is a great idea and we should subscribe to it even though Greece is doing its best to bankrupt it.

More and more our political scene is descending into a morass of self pity with MP's who have been caught out in the expenses scandal trying to get away from paying back anything at all, and still claiming that they were obeying the rules, then you have the Kirkbrides who are now after huge paying position with companies, he has got a £100,000 pa job as a lobbyist and she is after the same.

I have said it so often that it is becoming boring to many, but this country will never recover by continuing down the path that we are on. We need a complete closure of Parliament, whether by revolution or by agreement, all MP's need to stand down including the illustrious party leaders and new rules need to be written then and only then should we restart with a new election.

Rules should include a decent wage with no expenses, but MP's must attend Parliament on a regular basis and only have 6 weeks holiday a year. When Parliament is shut they should attend in the constituencies. Spin Doctors, even those disguised as aides should be barred, as should quangos as a waste of money and time.

MP's should have to pay for their own team out of their own salary, that will reduce the amount of people each can employ and no party should be allowed to indiscriminately employ people so we should see the demise of people like Campbell whose role should be severely restricted.

No unelected person should be allowed to work in government at high level, getting rid of the likes of Mandelson and each Prime Minister should be elected by the people, stopping people like Brown automatically taking over, if a Prime Minister wishes to step down this should automatically generate a general election.

These are very simple very basic rules which govern they way our country is run, at the moment all we have are despots and media mongers and those who are unelected running or ruining the country. If found to have lied or deceiving the country even a Prime Minister should be stripped of their right to stand in an election and should immediately leave Parliament stopping the likes of the BLIAR fiasco again.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Boo Hoo Brown

Does anyone actually believe Boo Hoo Brown and his latest media ploy to get sympathy before the election?

Brown is a complete piece of excrement, he and his party have ruined this country, morally, financially and by unlimited immigration. The Labour party have constantly lied to the country or deceived it first with BLAIR - LIAR PAR EXCELLANCE, then with Brown who has brought in the most despised man in politics in the shape of Mandelson.

Anyone who votes for Labour or for Brown really needs to get some sort of psychiatric help, as there is no way that Brown will change or the Labour party for that matter. The only way this country can move forward is for every MP to step down and for the country to have new candidates with new morals, code of conduct and rules that the new MP's agree to abide to.

This country has become morally corrupt under Labour and all the present MP's as they have all been complicit in the misuse of expenses by turning a blind eye until it was too late to do so. Now we need to start again, with the right people, with the right morals who will look after the country not themselves, but none of this bunch of cowardly, moral less, scheming MP's are going to listen so it is with a heavy heart that I know eventually a revolution will have to take place, I just hope too many lives are not lost, but to me it is now inevitable, possibly within the next 50 years and when historians look back as they do they will have to conclude that the seeds of revolution started when Labour came into power.