Saturday, May 16, 2009

Shouting From the Rooftops

I have been shouting from the rooftops (metaphorically speaking) at every opportunity about our corrupt MP's and the corrupt system they have imposed on this country for years. There is the smell of revolution in the air, yet still the piggies in Parliament, have their faces so far in the trough that the can't smell what is going on around them, how long will this continue, how long before verbal anger transfer into something more tangible?

I don't think long. MP's have continuously ignored the tax payer, the voter and the original leader of the pack was Blair, it was under him in the 1990's that things started to go seriously wrong for this country. Brown compounded the issue, turned a blind eye (sorry for the pun)to the issue over the EU and the treaty of Lisbon where another hotbed of scandal waits with I hope trepidation, because they had changed the name of the 'Treaty', they all had their snouts in the trough, expenses were about helping them not to have to put their hand in their own pocket when carrying Parliamentary duties, not what it ended up being which was not putting your hand in your pocket for Tampax (and that from a male MP, makes you wonder if he's a little bit perverted!) and even Brown claiming for Sky Sports in his expenses why, does Sky Sports help to run the country? was it essential to the planning our way out of the credit crunch, which by the way hasn't affected MP's they just put in higher claims for expenses.

BNP are scary, but even I had once considered them as an alternative to the lying, thieving neo nazi's we now have installed in the House of Commons.

Neo Nazi's I hear you ask? Brown and Blair have been control freaks from the start, they have spent time and our money trying to spy on ordinary citizens, whilst at the same time either joining in with the piggies at the trough or at the very least turning a blind eye. The other parties aren't blameless either, so what is left for this country?

No one listens to the tax payer, immigration is out of control, PC and human rights defends the offenders not the victims. Criminals have been able to claim their human rights have been abused and we have had to cough up. Immigrants come here and some get £1,000,000 properties and free benefits whilst those with disabilities struggle to get what is due so that they can live, our system is corrupt made corrupt by MP's and the EU, the same EU we were denied a vote on by Brown.

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