Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rotten To The Core

Things in Britain as we all know have gone from bad to worse. I can remember Thatchers government being extremely unpopular, and that idiot Scargill managing to play right into her hands, it was one egotist against another and the winning cards were clearly in the hands of Thatcher from day one as Scargill never had the full backing of the Unions from day one.

I’m sure though those who study political history will be able to say that it all started earlier, maybe, I don’t know for sure, I just know that when Thatcher defeated Scargill it left her strong enough to almost do exactly as she wanted and she did.

The poll tax was her idea, now its called the council tax and that is running out of control with the councils actually making some people who cannot pay homeless, this is our great free country, the mother of all democratic governments, turned Robber Barons.

This is Thatchers legacy and which not her own party, but one that NuLabour embraced with open arms, and under Blair well fell for it hook line and sinker. What has it got us so far, well that’s easy to answer, nothing tangible for the common people except maybe more laws every week so many infact that the law courts and the justice system can’t keep up with it.

We are now taxed even more than at any other time in living memory, we have an unelected leader, who has, according to him, saved the world, but at the same time couldn’t see that excessive borrowing would lead to a failure in the banking system and according to the press the banks were three hours away from total collapse, but our great unelected leader had no idea what was coming.

This so far is the climax of this bungling government, even worse than denying the people of England the vote on the EU, which was promised by this turncoat government. Now we have four Labour Lords who it appears have been milking the system to their own benefit and ends, but see this as completely within the rules. The rules of what? Corruption, immorality, scruples, and it will not end with these four, they will be the tip of the iceberg, just the ones who have been caught out. There were glum faces in the House of Lords, no wonder with this being exposed, bang goes the gravy train in this area, have to find something else to raid.

This country is lacking in morals and credibility, not at street chave level, but at the level you would never have thought possible even forty years ago. This was a proud nation once with a proud people and a Parliamentry system that had been the envy of the world, now thanks to Thatchers grab all you can ethos, which has been so thoroughly embraced by this Labour government, this country is on a par with the likes of Zimbabwe, we have our own self appreciating government officials led by a dictator who has no morals running a government of no morals, scruples or empathy with the people it is supposed to be serving.

The legacy this government of ours is going to leave our children, our grandchildren and possibly even our great grandchildren is a broken country in debt to the tune of trillions of pounds, with a new class of despots who only care about how much money they can accumulate for their own selfish means, who would even take from the mouths of the starving to satisfy their own personal greed.

Welcome to our Brave New World courtesy of Thatcher, Blair and Brown.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I have thought back long and hard, I watched the riots because of the poll tax and the miners, they combined at Wapping because at the same time Murdoch had moved his group of papers from Fleet street there and the riots were supposed to support the newspaper unions, but were in reality nothing more than a chance to show Thatcher complete disatisfaction.

The unions themselves did have power and some of it was badly misused, but by idiots like Scargill who was a dinosaur with a big ego and small reasoning power, he thought all he had to do was order the unions out and all would follow, what he did was split the miners union and eventually destroy it, and you cannot blame Thatcher for that.

Thatcher did make the country wealthy, but it was through the grab all you can ethos, remember the Yuppies, horrible little tykes. Thatcher also broke down society with ill advised use of words that was in reality the start of the decline. She like Scargill became power obsessed, and wanted more and more, so much so that her own party eventually turned against her, not just a few politicians but many of the big guns as well, and she had her own version of the night of the long knives.

Thatcher is revered now, many have looked back with warm and more kindness than she deserves, she was in reality the architect of what Britain has become today, Blair and Brown were the builders who finished the plan she started, but a lot less deftly and in particular with Brown much more in a club hammer way.

Blair ran away, he could see the writing on the wall for himself and possibly for the country as well, and he got himself a job as the middle east peace envoy so that when he was really needed, he was on holiday, or collecting some tin pot award from his old mate Bush. Brown has not the skills, empathy, ethos or charisma to be a leader, let alone a great leader, and because he is a bungler the whole country has suffered and will continue to suffer the results of his handiwork for possibly a century, this problem he has mishandled, will take a lot of time and skill to correct and we have no one who has the skill or charisma to lead us towards the light.