Monday, July 07, 2008

G8 - The Tossers Party

So here we go again the meeting of the G8 (fanfare here please), the meeting of minds of the most financially powerful countries on the planet, or another way to put it another free shindig paid for by the countries they are suppose to represent.

Democracy no longer exists and these great leaders show us that democracy no longer exists after all we have Germany, France, Britain and Italy countries which have all denied their people the right to vote on the EU.

Then you have the least popular President the USA has ever had, and some say the least successful, well he managed to start a war he couldn't finish, that has to say something. Then there is Russia, well what can you say, it appears to be democratic now, but is it in reality autocratic? With the latest Czar being manipulated by the new Ras-Putin ?. Who knows and do we really care?

Have things got so bad under successive poor governments that we have all now become sanitised to the effect of bad management, low morals by the so called leaders? It looks like there will be rumblings about food production, is this before they go into one of their banquets? and is the rumbling from their tummy's in anticipation of the next blow out that they will receive free of charge?

Bio fuel production is likely to be part blamed for the lack of food available to those who are not on a politicians salary, but hang on a second which one of this bunch were pushing for alternative fuels? Take a guess, whoever you pick you will not make a wrong guess, after all if one says something that appears to be 'good' then everyone jumps on the gravy train.

Then there is Zimbabwe, Oh God, why don't they just all turn their backs on this sham of an administartion and walk away, let them print their toy town money, let them play at being God, or do something positive instead of making useless condemnations and protestations, don't go on about the legality of their political voting system, remember Bush and how he got into power the first time, remember Brown and how he slide into power, well there are two of the eight (for those with maths difficulties that equates to 25%) that have suspicious starts and lets be honest neither one of those is even a half decent leader.

So sham takes place again and out of it there will be triumphant leaders returning to their respective countries proclaiming what a success it was, whilst stiffling a burp I wonder?

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Three In One

I must admit I'm feeling a bit lazy, with so much going on and trying to achieve so much, I have decided to do a three in one blog, so forgive me for being a bit rude or lazy and if you're reading this pick your section.

Those who know me, know that I'm desperately unhappy in my new role as a care home manager for a charity. They are players of games and seem to be more interested in how many sheltered housing units they get in a short space of time, rather that put right what is so obviously wrong with the care side, so my simple request to them, is get out of the care home side of the business.

Since prior to 11th March this year I have been telling our wonderful head office that almost 50% of my staff do not have a contract of employment or require an amendment. Since this date I have also told head office that the Policies and Procedures held by the home I manage are incomplete and also out of date, with one not having been apparently reviewed since 1994.

Deafness seems to be rife in our head office with the Chief Executive having the leading role in this. Policies and Procedures are really important, but not according to our head office staff. I have already had one serious incident in the care home, where the police were involved, Health and Safety Executive had to be informed under Riddor, and the CSCI had to be informed, was there a policy or procedure in place to assist me? DON'T BE SILLY.

I have got so sick of things I have been looking for another job, in the meantime I have started my own web site offering my services, this is called: Kism stands for Keep It Simple Management something my present employers seem unable to do.

Nicholas Sarkozy
Now I don't like politicians in general, there are some, (I think very few) who really still have ideals and morals, but on the whole they are a sad bunch of bastards who only seem to be into politics so they can either legally steal (expenses) or throw their weight about.

Then we have the really, really nasty ones like Mugabe. Sarkozy to me is almost as bad. What a horrible little man, I can't think of anything nice to say about him. He is another budding despot who likes to throw his weight around. Did you read the report about him on the TV channel which is now on youtube?

The comment he has made about Peter Mandelson might well be true, but this is really the pot calling the kettle black. He appears to be almost as unpopular in his country as Brown is in England. How long do you give either of them?

I think the G8 is such a waste of time, preening politicians heavily guarded, because they know they are so unpopular, and that they are a ripe target, almost makes you wish that an earthquake, which Japan has many of, would happen at the most opportune time and wipe these ?people? off the face of the earth.

MP's Expenses
So the greedy bastards voted against having their expense accounts limited or placed under better control, surprise, surprise, after all their expense accounts are far in excess of what a normal person earns, for what is quite possibly, a longer working week.

They included Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, Andy Burnham, the Culture Secretary, Shaun Woodward, the Northern Ireland Secretary, Paul Murphy, the Welsh Secretary, and Caroline Flint, the Housing Minister.

In addition, both of Gordon Brown's parliamentary aides, Ian Austin and Angela Smith, both rejected the proposals, as did the Prime Minister's close ally Nick Brown and a number of junior ministers.

Have you seen the video on You Tube about MEP's going to collect money armed with their suitcases, before dashing off on a Friday to go on holiday or go home? One dozy cow attempts to run for it seeing the camera crew, and runs straight into the side of the elevator.

MP's of all sorts wonder why the public get angry, why they get bad press, the answer is simple, you are crap at what you do, get paid a huge amount of money for doing it, are crap at what you do and get a huge expense account to fiddle.
Makes you wonder, who are the biggest crooks, the ones in prison, or the ones in the Houses Of Parliament?