Sunday, January 26, 2025

Spread the Word

 I am openly and unafraid to openly ask the people of the UK to rise up against this corrupt, hypocritical and immoral government to remove them from power by any way necessary.

I say this from my hospital bed after a severe stroke which I blame on them by adding enormous pressure by their ill conceived plans. They have openly showed as a collective group, they care nothing about our country or it's people. Unlike Trump who they have trolled, they have broken every promise they made, just so they could get into power and abuse the trust the nation,

They have taken money from the old and infirm, farmers, students and employers whilst keeping their 2nd and third home allowance and give our money to other countries whist leaving our own people to suffer. They are not worthy of the trust they were given and as they won't give up the power and trust we have given them we need to take it back and destroy this obscene party.


Sunday, January 05, 2025

The Lunatics are on the Grass


 13 Years to prepare for government, yet they show no planning or ability to plan.

Oldham and Southport, why does Starmer put grooming gangs before our children and not only him, but Jess Phillips, Cooper, Rayner and Reeves, all women who you would think as women and either mothers themselves would have an affinity for children and their protection, but no, we protect the Asian Gangs first before our children WHY?  

A simple solution is, anyone found guilty of such serious child abuse should, in my humble opinion, should be chemically castrated as Asian culture reveres the male, to be chemically castrated would be a massive deterrent to this culture, to be sent to prison and have everyone know that you are no longer a true male will stop them dead. 

Starmer has been a complete failure from his time as CPS leader under him Savile was allowed to continue to abuse, under him Oldham became a massive failure and then Southport as well. Why hasn’t Starmer himself not been investigated? He has left a trail of victims of abuse in his wake, who have not had justice, and all thanks to him. 

Why does Starmer hate the people of this country so much? He has attacked the pensioners as I write this, I am cold at 71 with osteoarthritis and I have done more for the people of this country than him and possibly most of his cabinet, yet people like me are left to suffer. He has his heating so high he can sit in his office in a shirt, whilst people like me have wear thermal vests and jumpers to keep warm in our houses. 

Then we have the students, they have been lied to and dumped on by this government under Starmer. He and his main team all stated clearly they would not put up student fees and like everything else they promised they broke that promise, then try to justify it, you can’t, a lie to the people is still a lie and a broken promise. 

Then we have big and small business again another shabby deception not worthy of a criminal, let alone a government who again used lies and deception to catch them out and now the result is that we have businesses shutting down and investment in this country is being scared off so growth has dropped below what the Tories did actually manage to achieve, which was some growth. 

Farmers, Starmer again has shown he is unfit for the position he holds; he has shown little understanding of what the small farmers actually have in assets. What a complete plonker, again no real planning, no real research and no common sense, yet all this rabid government do is quote the party line, again with no understanding of the possible outcomes, so I hope and support the farmers even if the shelves are empty, but you can bet that MPs will have all they need, especially Starmer. 

WASPI women, another broken promise and full of lies watching Lisa Nandy being interviewed by Martin Lewis was a real treat, she just kept quoting the party line, very poorly, whilst looking like a frightened rabbit caught in car headlights, I think I even saw her sweating! 

This list could go on and on, but at 71 I haven’t got that much time left to really go into great depth. What this has left me feeling is that Starmer, in my humble opinion, is a Satanist, it is the only explanation that makes any sense to me, as Satanists do abuse innocent children and he has let this go unchecked, what other explanation could there be that fits the profile? 

To me Stramer works for the dark, which does not surprise me as we are moving into Aquarius which could be one of the golden periods, but the dark is fighting full on to stop the light from pushing the darkness aside and I honestly believe now based on everything he has done pre and post-election, there is no other real explanation and he is taking the whole Labour party with him, and I think that after this brief interlude under Labour I very much doubt Labour will have many seats in the next election and I believe that Reform will change the whole political landscape. We need proportional representation to redress the imbalance and Labour could lose even more seats! 

Wales has been a Labour stronghold for over 25 years, but the last poll I saw for Wales put Labour in third. Even the Welsh have had enough of this Labour shit. Two last points Immigration hasn’t been stopped, it is increasing under Labour not going down as promised and immigrants are getting put up in warm hotels which we pay for whist our elderly freeze! The final point is the 22billion black hole, never proved, but remember one of the first things the now dismissed convicted criminal did was give excessive pay rises to the unions, there is your 22 billion black hole. 

My apologies for the format, I used online Word to write this and it is rubbish!