Tuesday, January 04, 2022

The Truth Behind Orynoco

 This is the updated blog of what I think Orynoco is really up to. I am not going to name the farm, village or any persons, I am going to use the titles of Director A and Director B.

Director A – The money man who introduces Orynoco to you on You Tube. What you are not told is that this man has had many Directorships including Director of a Property Development company, you will understand as this continues how important that is. I also believe this is the actual money man who is funding everything as Director B, although lives like a millionaire, is actually a spendthrift and is always looking for ways to get more money.

Director B – The loose canon, the easiest way to describe Director B is via a list so here goes:

1.    Forced to resign from the Parish council in late 2021, mainly for bringing the council into disrepute.

2.    Ex Police officer who left the force with only 7 years until achieving a full pension, the excuse he gave was hollow.

3.    Has been involved in the use of prostitutes (important as you will see further down).

4.    Has left a lot of hurt people in his wake, including women he has had affairs with and broken promises.

5.    A proven liar

6.    Has numerous memes about him and his honesty.

7.    There are numerous negative reports of him on the internet, Hopegirl makes some astounding claims about him.

8.    Always claims to be the victim, but he is instead the victim maker

The Farm – The centre of what this, in my humble opinion, this whole complex web is really about. It consists of approximately 100 acres in several parcels of land, Director B owns , I believe three (3) outright, but this not the full case, read on, the rest he co-owns with his ex-wife (divorce not finalised), and with his nephew. All parcels of land have had notices placed on them as Director B has been acting on plans for the use of the land without consulting or including any of the joint owners. This land is also within the Southdowns National Park, but he has managed to get tentative agreement for Affordable Housing, which has upset both the Parish Council and residents of the village, again done without consultation with any of the co-owners or neighbours of the farm, and in fact the plans actually stole part of one neighbours garden!

Director B has shown himself to be a liar, he did this very clearly on Clan of The Trumpet Angel zoom forum, where during full Covid lockdown invited people to come and camp at the farm, but on the field used by his nephew to run his camping business, without asking or even informing him. This was one of the items he was forced to resign from the Parish Council over, when this was to be discussed in an open council meeting at the last minute he sent his apologies and claimed he was in a no internet access area where he was, this was sent by email!

Although I say that Director B owns about 3 parcels of land outright, he has not settled the divorce so as rule of thumb his ex-wife owns 50% of all his holdings, yet she has been excluded from any consultation and it now appears that some of the photos Orynoco use on their website are of a joint owned building which Orynoco paid for work to be done, but agreement was only sought from one of the co-owners, the ex-wife, who has been running the farm as Director B is useless and has been given money to carry out essential fire regulations work and he has just pocketed the money, and this is not the only time he has done this! Also it took about three months before the work (still pending at time of writing) to be carried out to gain a safe electrical certificate.

So What is Really About

Here we have a farm which is joint owned, one joint owner (guess who) wants to sell the whole farm, Director B, he wants it to go to Orynoco, but he doesn’t want the other joint owners to have a choice and he has played some dirty tricks like sending what seems to be a false Barristers letter threatening legal action if the other joint owners do not comply with his wishes to sell.

Tenants on the farm and co-owners are aware that they could all lose everything, the tenants have been told if the Farm is sold they will be evicted. The ex-wife lives there and is also at risk of losing her home of about 20 years, Director B’s nephew will lose his business which at a young age built up with no help from his Uncle (Director B) and this young nephew actually really cares about the land and has just started his own family.

It is obvious despite what Orynoco says this looks more and more like a land grab. They will build over paradise, by using Affordable Housing to get a foot in the door of planning permission, if it has been given once they will have a strong claim later on to build more.

So you have a company in Orynoco, which is involved in land and property which one Director has an interest in, another Director (A) who has experience of property development and there in plain view is what is going on.

Orynoco are selling wellness at a spiritual level, but you have a liar who has used women, how is that spiritual, lied - again how is that spiritual, is willing to make people homeless, need I say it again? But he claims to be on a spiritual journey. Director A is behind the plans and has funded the work so is obviously the money man, again he is introducing Orynoco on You Tube as something quite spiritual the same with the website, but are willing to build on National Parkland, put people out of their homes should they win, close a business and make a single lady homeless all for personal gain.



Update -  I checked today after copying and pasting this blog in their comments section on You Tube, to see if my blog response had been taken down, but the whole Orynoco introduction has been taken down. You put two and two together.