Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Part of the Cure or Part of the Cabal?

 There is a man who at every opportunity tells us he was a police officer, he does the circuits and attends many seminars and conferences in the alternative power and spiritual awareness events, but here is something you might like to think about.

This man comes from a Masonic family, both his father and his brother were Freemasons, he was in the police force when being a member of the Masons was rife particular in the lower ranks, which he was. He got himself involved in the paedophile thing at what is now known as Hoaxteth.

The crumbs are there to follow, so my question is very simple, 'Is Ray Savage serving the Cabal by attending so many events and is he informing on people attending?' I ask this question as he seems to get away with so much, that you have to wonder what is going on.

He has upset the village his JOINT owned farm is in, that he offers to all and sundry without ever involving the other co-owners, but the other council members have remained extremely quiet on the fact that he was breaking the law when he offered up to 1000 people to come and camp, (on another owners campsite without their knowledge or permission) during a full lockdown, police came what happened ............... nothing, nowt. Even though angry residents demanded he was sacked from the Parish Council, they said their hands were tied, but they did not distance themselves from him!

He offered the indoor tennis court for an 'educational' event, which was attended by over 200 people, without proper toilet facilities and again without the permission of the other owners, who ended up having to reluctantly assist, and damage was done which he was paid for and the organiser had to pay the workman again themselves. Again the police were involved and lied to, again nothing happened, nowt, smacks of protection of some sort doesn't it? or at the very least Masonic connections where they help each other.

So there are the crumbs and those are only a few, look up what Hope Girl has to say about him, there is so much extremely negative stuff against him and he has been involved in some very strange goings on. He also always tells at least part of the truth, but I can assure you, you will never hear the whole truth from Mr Savage, he plays the victim extremely well, but when you talk to people who really know him and see the evidence freely available on the internet, you realise this is a narcistic man with his own agenda, hence I bet he is part of the Cabal or at least informing to keep himself well funded and free from any personal hassle or it appears, involvement from the police!

Finally what is Orinocco in the shape of Malcolm Bosher have to do with Pleasant Rise, one co-owner cannot even get the answer to that, despite this man being involved in refurbishment of part of the property again without the co-owners involvement or permission.