Monday, December 14, 2020

Macron and The New World Order

I believe that Macron has links to the New World Order, if not how can you explain why he has helped with a law to make filming or photographing the police in France a crime? This has given the police carte blanche to do what they like with no video or film evidence to back up claims of violence from the police towards the citizens of France.

There can only be one reason for this and that is to make the police a private army for the government, or the coming New World Order. You only have to look at the facts, an ex banker, not only that but an ex Rothchilds banker, even worse!

My amazement is that the French have allowed this happen, most have completely ignored the implications of these actions, but it shows me that Brexit is completely necessary as we were also getting sucked into this dystopian form of government. Now at least, even with a no deal, we will have our country back, we will not be bullied by Merkel and her collaborator Marie Antoinette Macron (he wants his cake as well).

Britain has a strong resolve when pushed into a corner, Germany knows this and so should France after all we have come to their aid twice at a great human cost to this country and all we have had in return is continued hated from French politicians in particular, starting with De Gaulle. This might be controversial, but look at the facts, only a few here, then come to your own conclusions.

When the dust settles I strongly believe it will be a stronger and more prosperous Britain without the added corruption of the EU which has a terrible financial history, allows Merkel to dominate despite having a President (obviously in name only), so to me the EU was about control and we need to be gone from this at any cost, but we also should shun any deals with France until Macron is out of any government influence within France or the EU.