Sunday, October 25, 2020

Open Letter to Mark Drakeford - Welsh 1st Minister

Dear Mr Drakeford, As a resident in Blaenau Gwent I am one of almost all Wales who not understand your thinking behind the current lockdown, when I looked at the figures I had a one third of 1% chance in 100,000 people in all Blaenau Gwent to catch Covid, even at 67 I like those odds! Covid does not kill everyone, in fact the death rate per population is still quite low. So please explain why there is still a ridiculously strict lockdown in place? Oh and is it a 'CIRCUIT BREAKER' or a 'FIRE BREAK' because both do different things in different contexts!

I would like to know if you have found a way to neutralise the Covid virus or even eradicate it and that is the point of the lockdown, so that it can be dealt with street by street? If not then there is no real common sense reason to shut down the country, ruin yet more small businesses, make more people unemployed, increase mental health issues, possibly increase in suicides and then of course you have people like me who have no one close, live alone and who will miss human contact just by taking a coffee.

I am sick of politicians who always look at the negative side of things. This virus is here, so now we must manage our lives to adapt to it, because it isn't going to just go away during another useless lockdown, just so you can spout more false figures based on people being locked up as if they are under the Gestapo. We need a positive approach to manage this to get our lives back, not the doom and gloom laden crap that is constantly used. A leader should lead not hide behind science excuses, we know it can kill, but we still have to live fulfilling lives and you are taking that away from us and we have gained nothing as the virus is still here and nothing positive has been done. Open pubs and restaurants again, but make both table booking only, let small shops open, most have a two person rule anyway.

You and your colleagues have shown the complete lack of empathy and morals you have by voting yourselves a £4,000+ pay rise, which equates to almost half the annual state pension for abject failure. You may all be extremely well educated, but that has taken away the use of common sense and the ability to think outside of the box, which is what we need in these times and we need a real LEADER!