Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Slow Death of Humanity or a Solution?

There is so much going on in the world, but as usual the press only want to tell you the bad news, and if you read the daily papers either hard copy or online, the impression you get is that the world is going to end any second ....................................................... NOW.

Yes there is a lot wrong with the world, and most times, in my humble opinion, people who demonstrate get it so badly wrong that they are actually playing into the hands of that/those which they are protesting about. Here is a classic example:

Extinction Demonstrations - These had an enormous effect on the country, but for the wrong reasons. It isn't the governments who are the cause of pollution, it is many of the corporations that you buy products from. It was a company who came up with the idea of plastic bags and everyone jumped on the bandwagon.  So disrupting the lives of ordinary people, climbing on the roof of a plane or underground train, becomes a very selfish act and hurts those you really want on your side, Oh and dressing up like a clown or a bunch of Broccoli ....................... really case in point of humanity being in it's infancy.

The reason is simple, humanity has never reasoned things through, it is always in retrospect that we learn. To me this is a sign of humanity still being in it's infancy, as an older human I can look back at myself as a microcosm and realise the huge differences. Before I would do without a second thought and sometimes it would work and sometimes it would be a complete disaster. Now I take as much time as I need to try and find all the flaws in most things I do, now my success rate is 99%, included in plans are, 'what will the long term results be'? and of course the pro's and cons including cost. This all takes time and research and more importantly asking the right questions and no this is done mentally not on paper, unless I am recording for comparison, I am not that anal and yes I do make mistakes but they are usually more minor these days.

When your goal is only money, at first, as with money comes power and influence, then you tend to miss steps in the name of keeping the cost down, another good example are the pharmaceutical companies, finally they are starting to admit that some of their products are actually harmful to us, mental health medication has now got side effects and medication has been released which has caused serious harm.

Unfortunately it also seems to be that one very small portion of humanity have all the power, money and influence, but remember what I said about humanity being in it's infancy? Well these people are the spoilt children of humanity, they want everything their own way, sod the cost or the pain it causes to others, in other words these are the bullies. They are also the people who we trust to look after us as nations, but again we are ripped off by for example corrupt bankers who never seem to be brought to justice, it does make you wonder about those conspiracy theories of secret societies and the evidence is there, they look after themselves only.

So OK a lot of problems but for every problem there is a solution. Instead of fighting the demonstrators, why not get the governments to offer these people the chance to channel their energies to provide a working solution that could be taken seriously? Quite a revolutionary thought I think, but here is the reasoning. People can work together and come up with solutions. War in fact sees the most inventive come out of people, so make regional groups and design a format of how any possible solutions are formulated and tested, this should show the research etc needed to make it a valuable contribution, to the whole world and every creature.

Prisoners are essentially living in hotels on an extended holiday, so make use of them. There is so much rubbish and fly tipping going on, make them pick litter and clear up land that has been used to fly tip. Rivers need to be cleared to help reduce flooding, public footpaths are getting overgrown, all things that help the repay the debt to society. Not every prisoner is suitable for this, but maybe they could earn points or a small amount of cash to spend in the shop or even earn the right to a mobile phone provided by the prison so therefore controlled and restricted.

If you think outside of the box the solutions are there to be found. Here is another question for anyone. I look at the packaging to see if it is recycled, why are we still using packaging that says, 'Not currently recycled' ?

Back to the press - the press do their utmost to constantly drip feed bad news, this is very controlling as it keeps people gloomy/depressed/insecure in a time when the promotion of 'Well-being' is the latest trend, or is it? There is light out there, that is why there is so much turmoil in the world. We are moving from an age of war to an age of enlightenment, the battle between light and dark has already started, darkness is fighting back with every dirty trick in the book to stop the light, but truth is starting to prevail, so do not give up hope, fight in the name of light against oppression and darkness, but do it only to allow the light in and watch the old ways of darkness run away and hide.