Saturday, May 04, 2019

The Non violent way to Revolution

Are you like me? Fed up with banks, corporations, big companies, self serving egotistical politicians who look down on you as if you are a piece of dog crap on their shoe, unless of course they want something from you?

The ordinary people are THE MANY,  the politicians, corporations, big companies are THE FEW, but the few have the most riches and the most power, and they all abuse it.

There is a simple way to bring all this down, all in a day and bring them all to their knees, it is not violent, and it should be done quietly and with dignity.

Co-ordinate a single day when every ordinary person walks into their bank and asks to withdraw all of their money in cash immediately. No bank or government can stop this simple request, oh they can close the banks, but by then the damage is done, not only that but government and their MP's will show themselves up for what they really are, the lackey's of corporations and big business.

There is no gold to back up money in this country anymore, Gordon Brown made sure of that! In fact that might be the same the world over, after all we only have the words of THE FEW to back this up, and we all know how much they lie and cheat!

So think about it, I have done my bit by posting this, but at my age it needs a younger person with fire to get the ball rolling.

Lets take positive action to change our world and make it better for everyone, not just THE FEW.