Saturday, December 29, 2018

And So It Goes - No DUTY OF CARE

Well 2018 wasn't a great year, we are still trying to free our beautiful small island from the grips of the most undemocratic, nonspiritual, immoral and corrupt organisation in Europe and it is called the EU.

It is run by a president who was not elected by the people, and is despised across the UK at the very least, as a drunk, a person who lives the high life on ordinary peoples hard earned cash. His name is Juncker. As he has not been elected democratically by the people of Europe, surely this makes him a Dictator?

I am not proud of what is happening in my country either. We have politicians who are fighting a democratic vote, we even have one ex prime minster who openly lied to his people in order to join a war that cost many innocent people their lives and ruined the lives of so many more, but he see's himself as the wise elder statesman who everybody should listen to, demanding that their should another vote, how childish is that and a very dangerous path to follow, his name is Blair.

I see more and more people like me who are having the veil dropped from before their eyes and realising that we are being cheated, used, lied to, treated like idiots, controlled. The promises that politicians made are always broken or not fulfilled, yet they pay themselves a lot of money, they have large expense accounts, Bercow managed to spend £70,000 it has been reported. Here are some questions I would like answered.

1.  Are the accounts for the country ever published in a form understandable by people who aren't accountants or financial experts, just the basics what came in and what went where, including MP's and Lords payments.

2.  Democracy doesn't mean keep voting until you get the answer you want, so why are MP's allowed to challenge the act of a democratic vote?

3.  There is a Duty of Care by any politician and Government to the country's people, so why do I never see a policeman patrolling the streets anymore, why is the NHS breaking down, why are our roads in such poor condition? Those are just the main points, that could be expanded by so much. We are paying more and more taxes, yet seeing less, what is going on?

You only have to look around you to see that in Europe there is a lot of unrest by ordinary people. Merkle is on her way way, Macron is under threat and having to give ground (had it coming - too arrogant), there have been riots across Europe this past year, the unrest is growing, Italy is also fighting the EU, yet these stupid, arrogant, egotistical politicians across Europe cannot see what is obviously growing. They have become self absorbed in either themselves or their party dogma, change is coming, please let it not be violent, but unfortunately this is not man's nature, there will be death and destruction before the light will shine through.