Saturday, March 03, 2018

Death of Democracy and Freedom

Why was the Magna Carta signed? It was signed to give freedom to all in England, but our lying, cheating, self serving, hypocritical, MP's and many of those in big business and banking have conspired and acted in a treasonable manner which has taken that freedom away.

Not even our police protect us now, instead they polish their fat arses behind desks answer phones and tell us they cannot help us, yet they were employed to protect people and their property, but hang on didn't they change their oath so that they can now get away with doing fuck all?

I have said this many times, we need to stand up and shout at the top of our voices that these lying self serving scumbags should be tried for treason. Stop feeding us chemicals, stop seeding our skies with chem trails, stop polluting our water with heavy metals to control us, they are all in effect no just guilty of treason, but of mass murder as well.