Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Fed Up With Sex Attacks

I am so fed up of hearing about sex attacks, even just nasty verbal stuff which has happened recently in Germany.

These have been on the increase since we have allowed immigration to flourish without proper checks and we are putting vulnerable people, women and children at risk.

There is a simple solution, no matter what nationality, whether an immigrant or not, any sex crime is dealt with one way only, for men castration for women life in prison, both will work, if they are immigrants and their manhood is a thing of pride to loose something so precious will make them think twice if not three times.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Wicked, Evil, 'Stepmother'

My friend is a lovely person, works in a care home, gives to charity from her wages and works as a volunteer for the RNLI, what an amazing pedigree, not only that, but she and her Mum were attacked by two vicious dogs when rescuing a man, who was being attacked by these dogs, it caused serious injuries and psychological damage to both Mum and daughter and they were presented with several bravery awards.

Last night she was out on the annual local RNLI outing they have once a year, its their Christmas do held in February. Like anyone out for a good time, she ate and drank more that she should, and feels a bit rough this morning. She was supposed to meet her Dad, but feeling rather delicate, she put it off, the result of this is the following text sent out by her Evil, Wicked Stepmother who does nothing for anyone else.

'So (name) could only come to get her birthday presents this afternoon. Offered her Thurs, Fri or yesterday! She texts early this morning saying to (name) not coming. She's no different exactly the same she's always been. Supposed to be coming tomorrow now x'

This evil bitch obviously doesn't know her stepdaughter very well as she was working the days she stated and left late each day as she cares about the care work she does. She puts others first, more than this evil bitch.