Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Camoron at it Again

I have just watched a wonderful item on You Tube about the rise of UKIP. Camoron is still missing the point and is again letting this country down and democracy.

He is far behind what he needs to be, to win another term in power and frankly I hope he ends up on the scrapheap of has beens'. This could be considered inflammatory as Cameron and Co (Miliband, Clegg and Co) want to stop freedom of speech.

I am one of the fruit cakes, loonies and closet racists Camoron, yet here I am, a care manager running a care home for the elderly with mental health problems, because I really do care, I don't make speeches or look good for the press, I do something real. I also work for a Pakistani Muslim who owns the home and we have the greatest of respect for each other.

The EU cannot be more corrupt than it is. Its accounts have been signed off for what? 12 - 14 years? It is undemocratic, it is stifling growth, it is robbing ordinary people in Cyprus, yet it is allowed to continue to ruin lives with impunity.

What will it take to finally get out of the EU? Full revolution?