Sunday, December 04, 2011

Someone Please Organise the Quiet Revolution

Things are going from bad to worse. Merkel and Co are still trying to save the Euro and Delores has now finally admitted that the Euro was flawed from the beginning and that the British were right to view it with suspicion. Shame our politicians don't have this hindsight but carry on trying to support this idiotic concept that works in no ones favour, unless of course you are Merkel or German, and that in itself is a joke, an ex-communist now effectively running Europe!

Not one of the three main parties in British politics are suitable to be governing us, unfortunately there is little to choose between then as they are almost clones of each other, just the party name is the main difference, they are all failures and do not have the interest of our great country at heart.

Case in point, how much money goes in foreign aid? How much money are immigrants given weekly? How much are their expenses? Bercows used public money to have a tacky coat of arms it is reported? Why they are not royalty, and they do not have a glorious history, in the case of Bercow and his tacky wife, quite the reverse. Now consider a pensioner, often many have to choose between heating or eating, yet most have worked all their lives and have contributed into the system all their lives to be discarded on the scrap pile as not important, but their votes are when it comes to an election, when they get the moral less MP knocking on their door, listening to their woes about how hard it is to make ends meet, the lying promises made just to secure another vote.

I keep stating that revolution in this country is the only way forward, and I  haven't changed my mind, or my tune. It doesn't have to be violent like in the middle east, it can be quiet and non violent and it which case would possibly have more of an effect because of that. No strikes drummed up by corrupt unions and their overpaid minions, but something organised by the people for the people. Emails, texts can say a day of non production, no shops, no shoppers, no factory workers, no council workers, minimum staff on duty in hospitals, care homes, no schooling, no transport. Just to send a message to those who never listen to us the people of Britain, WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH, the spin the politicians would give on this would make a good comedy show!

Cameron is a spineless, coward of a leader. If we took matters into our own hands he wouldn't know what to do. On the first time this happened I bet European voters would watch with interest to see what would happen, once they saw the dramatic effect this would have I could see this spreading right across Europe and the EU politicians would get their wish, a Europe joined, but not in the way they envisaged, because this would be against MP's who are the scourge of freedom and democracy.

We live in a dictatorship, don't be fooled by these smooth talking conmen and women, a three party whip on the referendum vote, was an order by Cameron to vote against this, in essence removing the choice of MP's from his own party to vote as their constituents would wish them to vote, that is not democracy under any circumstances.

You only have to scour the newspapers in this country to see comments by readers about political issues, and many comments are not published due to lack of space or because they could be deemed too aggresive, does our government take notice? Don't make me laugh!!!

Lets get moving before its too late, lets organise a day of reckoning, I shall now wait for the knock on the door because I dared express my disgust at the dictatorship running this country. This needs someone with greater skills than I have to make the uprising happen, remember though peaceful and quiet will bring a far greater impact, so please someone take up the challenge, the mantle and organise a complete day of protest early into the New Year so we can take back our country, I know other countries would follow suit, and soon we will have our countries back from the grasping hands of greedy feckless self serving globalists.