Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why I Hate Katie Price

Lets be frank, it isn't hard to dislike this woman, and to me it is easier to hate her than ever before.

This woman isn't real so lets list her falsehood:

False boobs
False hair colour and extensions
False lips
Botox enhanced features (ha ha)
False Tan
False intelligence
False use of feelings

Then we have the other problems this false thing has; false emotions, a liar, a fraud, fame hungry, attention seeking, a maneater, self delusional, in fact everything foul in human nature.

Unfortunately there will always be men out there who think that they can:

1. Tame the beast

2. Make her really fall head over heals in love with them.

Unfortunately she will suck them in, chew them up and spit them out.

This woman only needs a mirror to know and feel love, just like the wicked queen in snow white.

One question still haunts me, she calls herself a good mother, but how much quality time does she spend with her children, without a nanny or relative being around to help in each and every 24 hour period?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Time For Some Financial Terrorism

Here we go again, the banks are, according to the Daily Mail, are effectively holding the country to ransom with their attitude of, “You leave our bonus payments alone, we will lend to small business”.

My attitude to that would be very simple and basic, F*** Off and reduce your bonus payments now. If these banks had been lent money out of the public purse I would demand immediate repayment of all funds within 30 days unless bonus payments were controlled to an acceptable level.

Banks are effectively running this country, not the so called government, otherwise the banks bonus payments would be under control. I think it is time for some financial terrorism.

My idea is very simple, it involves no violence, nothing unlawful, just ordinary people exercising their rights and free will. It is simple, but hard to organise and I do not have the time to really set this in motion, but anyone can freely take my idea and use it.

Organise nationally as many people who bank with one specific bank, for example Barclay’s get them to change their accounts to another bank at a designated time on a designated day, claim the incentive payment from the new bank for changing their account.

Get everyone to do the same as often as possible all at the same time of day. The idea would be to throw the banks into total chaos at one point on one day and to hit all the banks at the same time, best time would be I think straight after the weekend, or just before the weekend for maximum effect.

On the same day all small shareholders in the banks should be willing to put their shares on the market, again to be effective lets pick on Barclays as their CEO is responsible in part for the meltdown and has had about £75 million in pay and bonus payments. On a set day at a set time swamp the market to try and give an impression of no confidence in the bank, then systematically do the same to every bank in the country.

This would put control back in the hands of the people, it costs nothing, it hurts no one, only the banks and their fat cat bankers. Simples.


I have been contacted before and asked to contact people, I cannot do this without an email address, this is simple to keep private. All comments are moderated before publishing, so you could put your request for contact in a comment and once I have your address I will delete the comment so it is not displayed.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Happy New Year, Same as The Old Year

Happy New Year, but what have we got to look forward to?

Well I think all we have to look forward to is that Politicians will continue to lie and cheat on their expenses. Those who pay their taxes will be worse off whilst those who claim illegally or just because they are plain lazy shits will gain, and all the time the fat BASTARD BANKS will screw us for every penny and feed their fat shithead selves money that they claim they have earned when it is mainly the tax payer who has bailed out many of these shitty banks and have allowed them to keep on bankers and give themselves fat bonus payments.

So welcome to the New Year, same as the old year, there will be nothing to look forward to except for more hardship, more deaths, more lies, in fact more of everything negative about living with so called celebrities inflicting us with every banal thought that enters their moronic brains.