Saturday, February 28, 2009

Michael Martin Scumbag Politician

Michael Martin has been caught out again the story is on the Telegraph. He and his wife, who by the way has no official standing, have robbed the country for holidays at our expense. Here is the story:

He is not alone, Jackie Smith and even Gordon Brown are jumping on the 'lets fill our pockets as quickly as possible' gravy train.

This has to stop, and someone has to make a stand. The average taxpayer is systematically being robbed by corrupt politicians, no one is able to guess at how much we are being robbed by, but it will be a lot of money, money that could be put into operations, drugs to relieve pain for those suffering cancer, drugs for those with dementia, but these thieves are denying the public they are supposed to protect and serve and to add shame to themselves after robbing us blind, they then try to justify it, i.e. Jackie Smith stating she could have claimed more, not much as she almost claimed the maximum amount, so any more would have been peanuts.

We need a summer of discontent, we need to scare the shit out of these lying two faced thieves, we need someone to stand up and be counted, someone who will bring these scumbags into line, we need strong laws that will not only promise prison, but will deliver tough sentences to those caught abusing their expenses and their position.

Mandelson is also at it again, he has been forced to resign twice and he still hasn't learnt his lesson, instead he got made a peer, what a complete joke this country and its politicians are becoming, enough is enough lets march on Parliament, lets make them scared, lets demand change and not stop marching and screaming until change happens, we need a revolution to show these scumbag politicians that we have had enough.